Body Paint Project by Samm Starrs

Clickkkey the picture to make it bigger...if you likes.
Samm's work never fails to amaze me. She is brilliant. Painting took around 5 hours. (with a few little breaks)  I look tired. I wanted to sit sooooo badly.
If you want to look at some of Samm's other stuff Click here


....There's something wrong with you.

It's true, I'm not all there. No, I don't take drugs.
I know I'm different. stfu I'm pretty boss at multitasking. Half my head's in the clouds and the rest is in reality.
I guess I just think differently to some people. I often have trouble relating to emotion, I sometimes take things literally and sympathy doesn't come from me easily. Times is hard but I believe if there's something that can be done about it, then suck it up and do it. If there isn't anything you can do, leave it be. I used to be a lot more tolerant but I just got walked all over. The people who have used me as door mat no longer exist to me any more. Sadly I've developed the "I don't give a shit" attitude towards things. Not towards everything of course. School, work, family and friendships mean everything to me but I could not give a witches tit if someone didn't like me. That was something that used to bother me so much and now it's honestly the least of my worries.

One person who has always been there for me is my little brother, Lindley. Click HERE to go to one of my earlier stories about him. Miraculously, Lin's never had much of a problem with bullying. The people he went to school with were all really understanding. There were a few exceptions though. I once punched a kid in the face for teasing Lindley. The kid kept saying something over and over to make Lin scream and he and his mates would laugh. I grabbed the kid by the shoulder, spun him around and punched him right in the mouth. I have a scar on my pinky finger to prove it. Battle wounds!!!!!! I admit I could have handled it better but back in those days, you didn't pick on MY brother.

Lin is a bit of a loner. Friends are liked but not really a necessity for him. There's only really been a few times that he's had a friend over to stay. Because of this, Mum admits she never really expects Lin to the be the social bee he is at times and she's still quite protective of him.

Okay, maybe not that bad....

There's plenty of shit going in my life at the moment. I had my first seizure where I had to be hospitalised for the first time in years yesterday. It was crazy and extremely unexpected. Luckily 3 paramedics were actually having lunch at the table across from us. I felt so bad for interrupting their lunch and also scaring the crap out of my girl friends. They're incredible btw. Vernell, Monique and Tori <3 They took my stuff back to mine and went to the hospital to stay with me. It had felt like my body had run a marathon and I couldn't breath properly for hours. I slept a total of 15 hours that night. 

The museum has some pretty funky displays going on at the moment. Taxidermied animals in glass cases. Every Australian bird, mammal, reptile, insect, spiders, fish all set up. I had to take a photo of this crab because it looks like Geodude, the rock Pokemon. 
It should be called the Geodude crab. What ever Einstein of creativity named it "Dark Fingered Crab" should be fired from the "Naming Animals" department.

 I've also noticed these things on trollies now. I don't know about you, but I don't know how I ever survived without one of these in the past.
No, no. Your eyes are deceiving you. That is an actual Baguette and or Floral holder. 

and lastly, this is what happens when there is a fault on the tracks and an early morning commuter train has to be evacuated at Toombul station. I lol'd because I was already on the other platform and got on the new train before everyone else. 
I'm so cool

I feel like dancing

Wellll, I'm back at Tafe and happy I have finally something to do. Tafe is two days a week now but my manager seems to believe I am incapable of working the other 5 and just gives me one shift on Sunday exact week after my last. He didn't get back to my message enquiring about why the lack of shifts and the only conclusion that I can come to is that he's a wanker. From what I've heard, all people's shifts are getting cut down which is irritating when you strive to take care of yourself despite living under your parents roof still.
I don't really want to find a new job already. It's only been a couple of months since I started at the airport and I enjoy being there.
Other possible job options which have been proposed to me are:
  • Cat breeder
  • >Go to Tatooine
    >Build a pod
    >Win Boonta Eve Classic
    >Become intergalactic podracer mod
  • Get a job in house work. Any kind of house work and when the owners have left the house to you, find the family camera and take a picture of your boobs and leave it there. 
  • Space Cadet
  • This man:
No need to be alarmed, my dear. This is what modern medicine calls a Fluoroscope.
Ha Ha Medicine!

My body is sore. I must have danced for about an hour and a half to two hours straight at Faith. I just had this "You know what, I don't care, imma go mental" moment and it lasted quite a while. I have not had one dance lesson my entire life and when I was younger I used to copy dance moves off tv. This is how I hope I looked last night;
and this is what I most likely looked like:

So recently it just occured to me that I like taking pictures of other people's cats. (Which will be in a new blog post) I could make a separate folder for all the pictures I take of Staz's cat, Auska. I swear that cat is a wizard though. Or he's been on this planet before. I've not known many cats to have a personality like that little asshole. I think it's cute when he's cranky. You can actually see it in his little face. bwahahaha

I had to enter down a few lines because I kept staring at that kid dancing. Admit it, you watched it about 20 times too.
Auska Wilde
The cat who fathered Harley's kittens is adorable. He likes to sit out in our driveway and sit with our biggest cat. He only comes out at night so I haven't been able to get a picture of him. But I have drawn this anatomically correct sketch of him, straight down to the little scratches on his nose.

If you haven't already noticed, I kinda like cats more than I like people. Then again, I'd rather be in the presences of an aids infected sponge than to be in a crowd of people. I'm going to have to suck that up when Soundwave comes along. According to studies, Slipknot's moshpit is one of the most brutalist. My body is ready. Well not quite. Eh, Slipknot is worth the concussion.
Now I should probably go and try to sleep. Although that may be difficult since I've suddenly got a whole heap of shit on my mind. I need to take Portal 2 back to blockbuster. Or I could pretend I don't have it which kind of reminds me of one of David Thorn's articles "Blockbuster late fees" It's funny. You should read it. Also I haven't done my psychology and I think I upset someone. I know right? Since when do I care....but I do 'cause this person just happens to be awesome. I'm sorry :(