About me

I'm a cheerful person the majority of the time and quite strange. I want you to be my friend...you will be my friend. I once licked a baby.
If you don't want to read about me any further, you are more than welcome to watch this video of a guy getting abused by a man in a pigeon suit.

I'm 22 but I often act younger in an attempt to seem cute. It works, I'm fucking adorable.
A blog is probably good for my sanity and helps me to get shit out instead of bottling it up. If bottling stuff up was an Olympic sport, I would be a world champion. I rant, I draw and I may even make you laugh. If I don't and I make you rage instead, feel free to send me an abusive email to sweet_seduction_and_hopscotch@hotmail.com
I dare you

Ta ta for now