You may or may not have heard me whinging about not having a lot of money lately. I'm sure the people who have to listen to it everyday is getting pretty sick of it by now. Don't worry guys, I worked today and I have another Care Time job tomorrow. That's a little extra cash in my empty spendings account. Yey. Being broke, I haven't really been food shopping lately. I have pretty much living off vegemite, crackers and bread, plus whatever Jake has at his place. Today I was craving some mac and cheese or even Mi Goreng which I'm sick of. I WAS HUNGRY. But low and behold, my half of the cupboard was empty except for them crackers which wouldn't fill this hole in my stomach that I had at the time. 

So I raided my piggybank (which is a ladybug btw) and took $3 in silver with me and set off to Woolworths. Upon approaching the little hill by the school, my happy Friday morning stroll to the place of food where my mac and cheese sat, was rudely interrupted by this flutter I heard above my head and I felt my hair being pulled slightly. I came to my senses and looked up. Some dickbag magpie decided that I was its current threat to its nest and I must be punished immediately for even coming within 100 000 feet of its precious eggs.

It landed on the fence and stared at me for a while with its beak open. I flipped it off and kept walking but not really to my surprise, it hadn't finished putting its point across and decided to swoop me again. This time, I decided to take action. It went a little something like this. 

I ran across the road with this little twat chasing after me. Once on the other side, however, it had stopped and returned to it's perch on the fence waiting for its next unexpecting victim. I continued on my way, feeling a little weary that it might decide it still hadn't finished and try another swoop but it didn't and I ended up going and getting my preservative filled brunch without any further issues. I decided to take a different route home, avoiding the little hill next to the school completely. I'm a wuss. But i survived.

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