(sing that to Handel's Hallelujah chorus. IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND )

Bananas are great, aren't they? I bought some today and they are delicious. I also was drinking a can of V at the time and believe it or not, banana and V taste quite nice together. I've had two cans of V today and I can't tell whether I'm buzzing or just a bit dizzy 'cause I bashed my head on the top of the fridge door. How I manage to do these things to myself is beyond me.
Last week I went to the book festival with mum. It was good. I bought more albums and singles than books. Also my favourite Saw movie. Saw II. MORE SUSPENSE AND MIND TWISTS RATHER THAN JUST GORE. Horror movies seem to rely on gore and jumpy noises rather than suspense these days and I think they should have just left the Saw movies as a trilogy rather than a Sevengy? But I did enjoy the last movie. I thought it wrapped stuff up pretty well even though it got a 5.5 rating on IMDB.
Is it only me who thinks Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) is what Eminem will look like 30 years time?
I've always seemed to have thought so.
Meanwhile at the bookfest, I fell upon some rather strange titles that I simply couldn't resist taking pictures of. LEARN AND KNOW THEM WITH THE HELP OF THIS HANDY, APPROACHABLE BOOK
Also another self help guide. It's a problem at this time of year, those Russians and their shenanigans.
I don't think it needs to be any more specific. But wouldn't it suck if you needed a gentle method of raising a baby flying-fox but it wasn't an orphan? This book would be completely useless to you.
This one I bought simply because it cost next to nothing and because of the title as well. It's so cute and also something I would probably call a book if I ever wrote one. No, I wouldn't call it "All about Cuckoos and Robins and things" but it would probably have the "And things" part at the end of my title. Except probably if it were my book, instead of "and things" it would be "And shit."
I tried explaining that to several people. All knew what I was going to say.
Me: I bought this book because it reminded me of the way I write things
Staz: Lol cute
Me: Yah I'd write a book with that title but instead of "and things" it would be...
Staz: and shit.
Me:......(see face below)

This week I achieved ageing another year. Mer is 22. I always think since I've aged one year, overnight I would just change into this new person. But as usual with that thought, I'm wrong. I like the person I am right now, actually. I've been described as "Fun, witty, good to talk to" friends and family obviously.
I got an email from Bebo wishing me a Happy Birthday and I just went OHH YEAH, I have one of those. I went on there was awful! The description about myself....I sound like a little scene bitch. Also, everyone I have listed as my "close, life long friends"; the majority of those people I don't even talk to any more or have banished out of my life. One tried to poison me, others are just backstabbing deadshits and my ex is still listed as my current boyfriend which made my stomach turn a little bit. I think I only talk to 2 of those people on that list of mine. The last time I had signed into my Bebo account was sometime in 2009. I whinge in there somewhere about turning 20 so obviously almost 3 years ago. Crazy how things change in such a small amount of time. I would go on there and change that shit but I lost my password and username years ago and could not be bothered retrieving it.
I suppose I'll change again, mature and stuff in the next few years. I suppose I'll need to considering the future I have planned for myself. LOL See how things go.
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