I've had cats all my life and there is not doubt in my mind that I'll turn into a creepy old cat lady. If I'm not one already
This is Jess. He's old and grumpy and belongs to my brother. He also likes sitting on shoes. He turns 12 this year and is an overweight blob so for his birthday coming up, I bought him a leash. Although today I learned that walking him is going to be more a challenge than I thought.
This strapping young lad is Chester. He's some sort of Siamese cross. He doesn't like the other cats and will growl if confronted by one. He loves snuggles and sleeps on my bed at night sometimes.
This is my lady, Harlequin. Or Harley. We saved her as a kitten. I talk about her a lot to the extent where people think she's a human until I say something about her liking to sleep in the bathtub or hiding in the linen cupboard. She absolutely adores Jess and will skip over to him and rub up against him. Sometimes she'll even wash his face, if he lets her. It's adorable.
This is a comic of how I thought this situation of when Harley first saw Jess' harness went down.
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