I have always had difficulty letting things go. By things, I mean items as well as the past. Not dwelling on the past has improved with maturity but I just seem to accumulate more items with no future plans for throwing anything away. It's that common case of "I'll need this later" and then when I finally throw it out, I need it.
Converse shoes are quite possibly my favouritest brand of shoe. I wear them almost everywhere to the point where they're almost falling apart. Eventually I can't wear them anymore and I'll go out almost immediately and buy a new pair....but for the last 6 years, I haven't thrown out the previous pair.
My latest pair are purple because they were $40 cheaper than the "Original" black and white. I'm liking my new purple shoes. They're pretty cash. Whilst gathering up my shoes I noticed one particular detail on my shoes that was identical to the pair before it. This is what generally seals my shoe's fate
There are holes in the soles in the same place of every left shoe. Which has lead me to believe that I somehow, for the last 6 years have walked like this
It's only a few weeks into the new year and already I can tell this is going to be more than an interesting year. I have seen two of my most favoured bands, learned a little more about myself and I start uni this mid semester. But I'm pretty sure I've made an enemy, I went ahead and lost my 18+ card after the Dresden Dolls concert and I may have to look into getting my medication changed, which will most likely cost a small fortune.
Okay, so nothing extremely tragic/life changing but the shit thing is is that the government has come up with an absolutely fabulous inconvenient idea. They no longer issue 18+ cards or licences straight away. We all have to wait "a maximum of 2 weeks" for our new card to arrive by mail because they have decided to put a chip in the card containing your details, secret questions and what other shit they could think up of. It will look something like this

Isn't it lovely?
I will glue this card to me.
I've learned a little about myself these past few weeks, I used to worry if someone didn't like me and now I really could care less. A little bit of bitchiness happened during the fashion show for New Years at Faith and I'm not really one to put up with shit anymore. I have always had a problem with people though. Like this person who doesn't seem to understand why it is called a 'Bumper Sticker'

I will glue this card to me.
I've learned a little about myself these past few weeks, I used to worry if someone didn't like me and now I really could care less. A little bit of bitchiness happened during the fashion show for New Years at Faith and I'm not really one to put up with shit anymore. I have always had a problem with people though. Like this person who doesn't seem to understand why it is called a 'Bumper Sticker'

I've always enjoyed the company of animals and I think they make truer friends than people in some respects. Like keeping secrets and caring if you're sad or not and not going out of their way to deliberately make you sad. Like this chicken who belongs to a friend of the family's. She lets me pat her and makes cool noises when I feed her.

I call her Steve.

I call her Steve.
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